Source code for snug.pagination

"""Tools for creating paginated queries

.. versionadded:: 1.2
import abc
import typing as t
from operator import attrgetter

from .query import Query, async_executor, executor

__all__ = ["paginated", "Page", "Pagelike"]

T = t.TypeVar("T")

[docs]class Pagelike(t.Generic[T]): """Abstract base class for page-like objects. Any object implementing the attributes :py:attr:`~Pagelike.content` and :py:attr:`~Pagelike.next_query` implements this interface. A query returning such an object may be :class:`paginated`. Note ---- Pagelike is a :class:`~typing.Generic`. This means you may write ``Pagelike[<type-of-content>]`` as a descriptive type annotation. For example: ``Pagelike[List[str]]`` indicates a page-like object whose ``content`` is a list of strings. """ __slots__ = () @abc.abstractproperty def content(self): """The contents of the page. Returns ------- T The page content. """ raise NotImplementedError() @abc.abstractproperty def next_query(self): """The query to retrieve the next page, or ``None`` if there is no next page. Returns ------- ~snug.Query[Pagelike[T]]] or None The next query. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class Page(Pagelike[T]): """A simple :class:`Pagelike` object Parameters ---------- content: T The page content. next_query: ~snug.Query[Pagelike[T]]] or None The query to retrieve the next page. """ __slots__ = "_content", "_next_query" def __init__(self, content, next_query=None): self._content, self._next_query = content, next_query content = property(attrgetter("_content")) next_query = property(attrgetter("_next_query")) def __repr__(self): return "Page({})".format(self._content)
[docs]class paginated(Query[t.Union[t.Iterator[T], t.AsyncIterator[T]]]): """A paginated version of a query. Executing it returns an :term:`iterator` or :term:`async iterator <asynchronous iterator>`. If the wrapped query is reusable, the paginated query is also reusable. Parameters ---------- query: Query[Pagelike[T]] The query to paginate. This query must return a :class:`Pagelike` object. Example ------- .. code-block:: python def foo_page(...) -> Query[Pagelike[Foo]] # example query ... return Page(...) query = paginated(foo_page(...)) for foo in execute(query): ... async for foo in execute_async(query): ... """ __slots__ = "_query" def __init__(self, query): self._query = query
[docs] def __execute__(self, client, auth): """Execute the paginated query. Returns ------- ~typing.Iterator[T] An iterator yielding page content. """ return Paginator(self._query, executor(client=client, auth=auth))
[docs] def __execute_async__(self, client, auth): """Execute the paginated query asynchronously. Note ---- This method does not need to be awaited. Returns ------- ~typing.AsyncIterator[T] An asynchronous iterator yielding page content. """ return AsyncPaginator( self._query, async_executor(client=client, auth=auth) )
def __repr__(self): return "paginated({})".format(self._query)
class Paginator(t.Iterator[T]): """An iterator which keeps executing the next query in the page sequece, returning the page content.""" __slots__ = "_executor", "_next_query" def __init__(self, next_query, executor): self._next_query, self._executor = next_query, executor def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): if self._next_query is None: raise StopIteration() page = self._executor(self._next_query) self._next_query = page.next_query return page.content class AsyncPaginator(t.AsyncIterator[T]): """An async iterator which keeps executing the next query in the page sequence""" __slots__ = "_executor", "_next_query" def __init__(self, next_query, executor): self._next_query, self._executor = next_query, executor def __aiter__(self): return self async def __anext__(self): """the content of the next page""" if self._next_query is None: raise StopAsyncIteration() page = await self._executor(self._next_query) self._next_query = page.next_query return page.content